The article was created based on a series of posts from the OpexBot Telegram channel , supplemented by the author’s vision and the opinion of the AI. How to overcome the fear of failure and the fear of failure, how to deal with fear and how to get rid of the expectation of failure, and why is it important for everyone to do this?
Failure is a part of life. If mistakes cannot be avoided, you need to learn from them and turn the situation to your advantage.
Knowledge and experience can also play an important role in overcoming fear of failure. Exploring a topic, learning and sharing experiences with other successful people can help us develop self-confidence and confidence in our abilities. Finally, it is important to remember that failure is not the end of the road, but just one stop on the path to success. It is important to learn from failures and not stop there. Fear of failure can be overcome if we learn to see it not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity for personal and professional growth.
I’m afraid of success because I’m afraid of failure!
One of the problems that worries many can be formulated this way: I am worthy of success, but at the same time I am afraid of it. I want to try something new, but I’m afraid.
Don’t worry, everything will come. If you do it consciously and systematically.
Let’s do this. We put aside a conditional 200k rubles for a new business, project, business, or whatever happens to you. At the same time, we internalize the idea that this is your attempt to change everything and build a plan in your head in advance. You need to be prepared to lose this money. It’s an opportunity fee. An unloved job, an alarm clock in the morning and a fat guy on the subway – all this for the sake of the very opportunity not to meet with them again. Set yourself a goal to accumulate EN rubles and do everything for this goal. And then just take it and do it. Losing 200k is better than losing your life. On the scale of your entire life, the last few months of unloved work are nothing, smile as you move towards your cherished goal. You need to understand the truth. Wherever you invest money to grow, there is a risk of failure… always and without exception. But if you don’t take risks, you won’t earn the proverbial million.
If the rich are lucky, you will be lucky too
Many people think that the rich are just lucky. Inheritance, relatives, parade of planets. Firstly, this is not always the case. Some started out in poverty. This is confirmed by numerous examples and autobiographies. It also follows from them that behind every rich man there is a beloved classmate who did not look at him. The bike he couldn’t buy. A sea he couldn’t go to. But it’s not luck. The reason, most likely, is youthful bad luck.
According to Yahoo Finance statistics in 2021, 83% of people who made their first million started with nothing.
Secondly. Don’t count other people’s money. This is a dead end. Find out what steps successful people took to earn them. If you are not afraid of a new step, then the step itself does not matter. There is always a risk. Both when looking for a job and during a simple walk in the park. But you don’t stop looking for a better job and walking down the alleys. Is not it? Everything in life is not easy. It takes a lot of work to achieve perfection, but the momentary perfection makes all the effort worth it. The notorious first million will come. And with it the admiring look of a classmate at the alumni meeting, a liter Ducati and an unlimited visa to any resort in the world. But it’s not a fact that in the new consciousness, you will need all this. There will be new goals and new peaks. Run-run-run. This is the thrill of life. Take action, you will be lucky too.Remember that when you achieve success, people will forget your failures .