How to update opexbot while saving settings on windows
I told you how to install opexbot on Windows here . If you already have opexbot installed, then the question will arise about updating it so that new functionality
We are developing a microservice using the Tinkoff Invest API to automate working with brokerage reports and calculating commissions.
The inspirers behind the development of the statistics service for Tinkoff Investments were: article on Habré “What Tinkoff Investments are not saying” 
I built a budget server to run yalm 100b at home.
After experimenting with yalm 100b , an obsession appeared that I should assemble a budget server for this business. I don’t know why, just to finish
Neural network YaLM 100B in practice.
At the end of June, Yandex released a neural network with 100 billion parameters called YaLM 100B to the public . It is the largest GPT-like neural network
Торговые роботы
Getting to know the functionality of the OpexBot algorithmic trading platform
In the previous article , we figured out how to install and launch an algorithmic trading platform. If you want to rake in money with a shovel on scalping
React.JS for beginner dummies, using the library when writing trading robots
What is React JS for beginner dummies, what is it, tutorials, installation, documentation – how to install and use the React JS library when writing
Торговые роботы
OpexBot is a free platform for algorithmic trading on Tinkoff investments
OpexBot was created specifically for people who do not understand programming or are just learning the basics. This algorithmic trading platform is very
Algorithmic language QPILE for programming trading robots for QUIK
Algorithmic language QPILE for programming trading robots for QUIK. Trading robots can be written in a specific language, similar to program code.
We set the task of writing a simple robot
I will tell you as if you had learned about programming for the first time. Let’s start with the problem and step by step we will approach its solution.
We create a terminal for automatic and semi-automatic trading
There is a fatal flaw in the existing algorithmic trading terminals. They are not written in javascript   And after this phrase, all siplusists and