OpexBot is a free platform for algorithmic trading on Tinkoff investments

Торговые роботы

OpexBot was created specifically for people who do not understand programming or are just learning the basics. This algorithmic trading platform is very easy to install and use. And first of all, it serves to automate actions or explore hypotheses. To install and run you need nodejs version 17 or higher. You can download it here: https://nodejs.org/en/ https://nodejs.org/dist/v17.8.0/ After installing nodejs, launch a terminal like PowerShell, cmd or iTerm. To verify that nodejs is installed correctly, run the following command.
node -vThe result of the execution will be the version of nodejs. Then execute
npm -vThe result of the execution will be the npm version. The whole thing should look like this.
OpexBot is a free platform for algorithmic trading on Tinkoff investments Make sure nodejs is version 17 or higher and npm is installed. Further, all in the same terminal, we sequentially execute the following commands.
mkdir robot cd robot npm i opexbot npx opexbotSuccessful execution of commands in windows looks like this.
OpexBot is a free platform for algorithmic trading on Tinkoff investments Now you can open the
http://localhost:3000/settings page and set up the algorithmic trading platform in your browser. This will require an account in Tinkoff investment and for trading.
OpexBot is a free platform for algorithmic trading on Tinkoff investments I will tell you how to use the trading robot in the next post.

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