I told you how to install opexbot on Windows here . If you already have opexbot installed, then the question will arise about updating it so that new functionality of trading robots becomes available. There are two and a half ways. Automatic, manual and reinstallation.
1. Reinstallation
Let’s start with the last one. To update, you delete the old folder in which opexbot is installed and install it again. Still on the same command line, go to the folder where you have opexbot installed. You delete it and the nuance of this method is that after installation you will need to re-enter the activation code and token for the Tinkoff api.
2. Reinstallation while saving settings
The settings files are located in the opexbot/node_modules/tinkofftradingbotconnector/data/
. Before reinstalling, save either the entire contents of the folder or the tokens.json
. Next, reinstall as in the previous paragraph and return the files back.
3. Automatic
Where the opexbot folder is, execute the command wget https://opexflow.com/updatelocalbot -O updatelocalbot.sh
And then run the file itself with the command. ./updatelocalbot.sh
It will update Opexbot while saving the settings. And if opexbot is not installed, it will install and launch.