There is a fatal flaw in the existing algorithmic trading terminals. They are not written in javascript And after this phrase, all siplusists and pythonists:
But in fact, we have a lot of front-enders, we love to write code, move and recolor buttons too. Why not give us the opportunity to poke into your terminal for algorithmic trading? I’m tired of web terminals full of info, all sorts of applications like transaq and quick. Which come from the 90s on the interface. Give me nice buttons! )) Issues: — Existing terminals are severely limited in terms of algorithmic trading; – There is no good open source terminal; — Restrictions on devices and OS; — Motley distracting design with a million unnecessary buttons and quotes; – Own commands and programming languages that cannot be dialed from ads. Requirements: – Work in a browser or application without being tied to the OS and libraries; – Open source code (community, the ability to find developers); – Ability to connect to the API of various exchanges; – Ability to add and reuse robots; – Ability to customize for yourself; – Low barrier to entry. – Javascript, nodejs, beautiful buttons =) I see the following structure: 1. UI terminal Everything is simple here. A page with a graph, a couple of buttons and into battle. UI should not know about business logic. Ready data should come. We log in to the UI, then, depending on the chosen broker, we go to the right handle, and we process the data in the same way. * Authorization page * Ability to connect terminals of different brokers * Ability to drop algorithms for trading * Edit algorithms and run without restarting the terminal (?) * AI and learning to trade robots on old charts * Basic structure for trading (we will consider separately) 2. Brokers API In order to immediately design the ability to connect brokers, let’s add two, for example, Tinkoff and Finam. Otherwise, one of them will grow roots and it will be easier to rewrite from scratch than to make changes. But it is not so easy to take and start trading with javascript robots. For Finam has a transaq connector, which works only from under Windows and the API is sharpened for C #. Tinkoff is even more interesting. They had an sdk for JS. Then a hob, they made a new API in which the old SDK became irrelevant and they removed information about JS altogether. But in the developers’ chat there is a link to unofficial-tinkoff-invest-api_v2-lazy-sdk-NODEJS. Well, we’ll figure it out. For Finam has a transaq connector, which works only from under Windows and the API is sharpened for C #. Tinkoff is even more interesting. They had an sdk for JS. Then a hob, they made a new API in which the old SDK became irrelevant and they removed information about JS altogether. But in the developers’ chat there is a link to unofficial-tinkoff-invest-api_v2-lazy-sdk-NODEJS. Well, we’ll figure it out. For Finam has a transaq connector, which works only from under Windows and the API is sharpened for C #. Tinkoff is even more interesting. They had an sdk for JS. Then a hob, they made a new API in which the old SDK became irrelevant and they removed information about JS altogether. But in the developers’ chat there is a link to unofficial-tinkoff-invest-api_v2-lazy-sdk-NODEJS. Well, we’ll figure it out.