Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025


First, what is JavaScript? Java Script is a programming language that is used to access various applications. Java script is one of the most popular programming languages, and its popularity is only growing. If you want to know more about why Java Script is gaining popularity, and whether it is worth learning JS in 2022, we recommend that you study the facts below.
Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 Brendan Icke, the father of JavaScript [/ caption]

Basic information about Jays that you should know before starting to learn the JavaScript programming language

JavaScript is a high-level programming language that supports many different approaches. Refers to the group of interpreted languages. What JavaScript includes:

  1. The value of the information is determined by calculating the value of a constant, or hypotenuse.
  2. The program or application code is disclosed upon request.
  3. Java script functions can be assigned as other separate functions from other files, you can also share them.
  4. Due to the high prevalence of jabascript, a large number of browsers support it.

Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 ES6 is a new addition to JavaScript that extends its functionality. Adds syntax support for arrow functions, destruction, spread and rest operators, modules and classes.
Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 JavaScript is widespread and popular, so many communities have formed around it, which gives developers access to additional tools, such as:

  • Libraries and frameworks.
  • Collectors.
  • Supporting libraries.
  • Static site generators.

Also JS:

  • allows you to create modern front-end systems using React, Angular and Vue;
  • using React Native to create cross-platform applications;
  • many games are written in JS;
  • robots for trading are written in JavaScript.

Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 Learning the JavaScript programming language allows you to solve the following tasks [/ caption]

As mentioned earlier, Javascript ranks as one of the most popular programming languages, both in terms of the number of uses and projects made in it, as well as the frequency of requests.

Java is a great option for aspiring programmers to jump into development. Companies in the Russian Federation take novice workers to their web studios. Studios are located both in large cities and in the regions.

Pros of JavaScript that professionals note:

  • The first plus of jayes is the flexibility of JS , which allows you to create applications or sites with great interactivity.
  • The second thing to pay attention to is the development of web applications , which are currently gaining popularity. These developments are now actively pursued by Google. But now PWA is gaining popularity, which in the future can capture the market. PWA development uses JavaScript.

And there is such an opinion, taken from https://habr.com/:
Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 Why the JavaScript programming language is popular – an alternative opinion [/ caption]

Why learn JavaScript

JS is very easy to learn, it is also very flexible and not as strict to errors, in contrast to other languages. If you are an experienced programmer, you can customize the language for yourself so that mistakes are not made at all. Due to the growing popularity of web applications – Java does not lose its popularity. Also, most sites are built in this language, which allows people who work with it to easily find a suitable programmer position in any company.
Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 Finding a job in javascript is not difficult even for a beginner, judging by the number of vacancies they still need to be finalized. Large companies are investing in JavaScript development, so it is improving, which speaks of its future prospects. Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 Regularization in JS is as easy as shelling pears
[/ caption]

What prospects does the language have?

JS is one of the most demanded languages ​​in the world. It is in seventh place in terms of TIOB service. On GitHub, the language is in the first position. It is a second language after Python as desired. All this proves that the language has great prospects. The JavaScript programming language – what they write in it, how to learn it, how much they pay for it: https://youtu.be/a76uc2FP4yE

Will there be a demand for JS programmers in the future

In the development of web interfaces, applications, you cannot do without JS. Therefore, its popularity will increase. According to forecasts, within the next 10 years, it will definitely be in demand.
Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 Average price tag for the services of an avaScript developer in Russia [/ caption]

Pros and cons of JavaScript

So is JS deservedly popular? Pros:

  1. Usage in web development – JS is a necessary tool, which has all the appropriate functions, frameworks, libraries.
  2. Speed ​​and performance – high-speed processing of requests from sites gives a great advantage to this language. He also knows how to process part of the request without creating requests to the server.
  3. Huge ecosystem – the number of user-made components has grown tremendously and became available for use without restrictions.
  4. Ease of use and – a large number of tools created to facilitate the work of users, as well as a simple interface make Javascript incredibly convenient.
  5. It is also worth attributing to the pluses very fast learning and getting used to the language .

Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 Javascript advantages and disadvantages [/ caption] Like any other JS language is not perfect – Java Script also has its disadvantages:

  1. Lack of reading and downloading files.
  2. “Forgiveness of mistakes” – is that the language skips the flaws and does not highlight them, just as it writes some data according to its own concept. All this is revealed already at the stage of work and debugging.
  3. Lack of support for remote access.
  4. Easily accessible to intruders. Due to the availability of the language, it is not difficult to insert malicious code into it that will harm users.

Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 New tools and opportunities for using javascript appear every year, and these are undeniable advantages [/ caption] However, those who use the language constantly improve it in their community of users. Browsers are improving along with the work of JS.

JavaScript Game Development

Most people think that they use the C ++ engine to create cool games. This can be called true, but not complete, because programmers from different languages ​​take part in the development of the game. JavaScript is no exception. You can create games in jabascript as simple as complex. Both use Canvas technology, which executes HTML5 code. The HTML page is used to register the canvas tag and to connect the JS, in which all the work takes place. In the Java file, the required canvas id is searched for and the way to work with it is selected. Here were the initial stages before starting to create the game itself. On several popular JavaScript games:

  1. OnOff – in this game you need to bring the character to the finish line bypassing various obstacles and dangers in the form of spiky balls and holes. With each passed level you will find yourself in a new dimension. The game has 25 levels and it is possible to create your own.
  2. Underrun is a game with very beautiful pixel graphics and wonderful sound effects. In the game you need to get to the laboratory by shooting mutant enemies. You need to get there to reboot the lab systems.
  3. Super Chrono Portal Maker – the game is the original super Mario, in which you have to complete levels overcoming obstacles and enemies. Each new level, of which there are 30 in the game, adds new mechanics and functionality. There is a level constructor.
  4. Offline Paradice is a fast-paced game in which the challenge is to just jump, run, and smash obstacles. The FPS in the game is always kept at a decent-high level, and the autosave function will help you save your progress. The game will be accompanied by pleasant music, beautiful background and good animation.
  5. Raven is a puzzle game in which you need to repair cameras to spy on mysterious creatures that pose a danger in the dark. Watch them lest they kill you.

Only a few games made in this language have been described here. In fact, there are many more of them.
Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025

Why become a JS developer in 2022 – why it is worth learning JavaScript, perspectives

If you still cannot answer this question by reading all of the above, then this section is for you. Reasons why JS is promising to learn in 2022:

  1. This language is very common. It is popular not only among beginners, but also among professionals.
  2. Large JS community. The language is popular for a reason – a huge number of improvements for convenient work with it are created by users of this language. For example: npm is the largest package manager. Plus, there are a lot of Java guides on the web to help you get started. You can Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 learn Java Script in a playful way [/ caption]
  3. Java is the language of browsers. Of course, there is its analogue WASM, but even it is not good enough to bypass Java in the near future. Java is essential for web developers.
  4. Speed ​​and efficiency. Most of the popular sites are Java-based, which is hugely lucrative for them. They have high speed and performance, cost less to their owners, and are also created and work faster.

Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 15 most popular programming languages ​​according to statistics from the GitHub portal [/ caption]

JavaScript trading robots and strategies

It should be noted that Java is used not only in the development of websites and games, but also to run
trading robots . To do this, Java Script has everything you need:

  1. Technical indicators that can be found in the public domain.
  2. Tinkoff library invest-openapi-js-sdk.
  3. Now let’s take a ready-made strategy as a template for further reworking for ourselves. The template will be the simplest 2 SMA strategy.
  4. Let’s start optimizing the strategy. For this, genetics will be used. This requires the geneticalgorithm library .

Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 The path of a developer is difficult and thorny [/ caption] Using Java Script and accompanying libraries and frameworks, even a Junior programmer-trader in JS can write a simple robot for trading, optimizing it along the way. Many nuances that need to be refined appeared along the way with changes in the market. After the strategy has been optimized according to the formula: Expectation Mat = Probability of Profit x Average Profit – Probability of Decrease x Average Decrease. Next comes the work with the code with which the interface is created. The interface will be filled in in order to set the parameters with which the algorithm will work. In the case of the option of creating a robot for trading using genetics, you need to launch and fill in several codes for this robot and start testing them,further, identifying their shortcomings, combine the most successful ones and you can do this as many times as you like, each subsequent result will cope with its task better and better, choosing the parameters of the fastSMAPeriod and slowSMAPeriod periods, as well as stops and takes. At this pace, you can create a trading system that will work in the market. JavaScript does this very well. Why Javascript is so popular, is it worth learning the JS programming language: https://youtu.be/3kV1ZVM3KGU In this article, you learned about the features of JS, its advantages and disadvantages. as well as feet and takes. At this pace, you can create a trading system that will work in the market. JavaScript does this very well. Why Javascript is so popular, is it worth learning the JS programming language: https://youtu.be/3kV1ZVM3KGU In this article, you learned about the features of JS, its advantages and disadvantages. as well as feet and takes. At this pace, you can create a trading system that will work in the market. JavaScript does this very well. Why Javascript is so popular, is it worth learning the JS programming language: https://youtu.be/3kV1ZVM3KGU In this article, you learned about the features of JS, its advantages and disadvantages. width = “1200”]width = “1200”]
Why JavaScript has become popular, perspectives, is it worth learning in 2025 JavaScript is the soul of the site [/ caption] Now you can determine your future if you start programming in this language, and after studying its prospects and how much it is in demand, your future will be very successful, and your programming talent will be in demand.

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